METAL FLAQUE was created by chance …
When Lillian, a Norwegian designer, moved to Paris, she opened a bespoke wedding dress shop in Paris. Few years later, she wanted to launch a collection and distribute it in specialized shops.
We then looked for wedding dress stores which could distribute this collection and we came to an incredible conclusion :
There wasn’t one in France !
We discovered at the same time that many very famous designers were not distributed in France. Lillian who, of course, knew their work, could not believe it … it was true, though.
So, we said to ourselves :
What if we create this shop?
We went to see all these international designers and presented our project of “concept store”, showed the plans of the future shop (some even came to visit the site, we remember a very chic New York lady making her way through the rubble on vertiginous heels …). All the designers we contacted believed in the project and METAL FLAQUE opened in March 2009.
Since then, Lillian spends her time running between shows and visiting all these exceptional designers to present their wonderfull wedding dresses in our shop in Paris.